Mosaic is a chapter of the Romance Writers of America dedicated to assisting both published and unpublished writers of Multicultural, Cultural, and Interracial romance.
The membership includes writers of all levels of accomplishment, from those working on their first manuscript to award-winning authors.
Every author has knowledge that can be shared. Mosaic’s main goal is to work together, using the experience gained by its members to advance the professional interests of marginalized authors. Mosaic is committed to the mission of the Romance Writers of America to promote excellence in romantic fiction and help writers establish careers in their writing fields.
Mosaic will have regular monthly meetings, the Beta Babies (beta readers), and workshops designed to help members with mental health, time management, and all aspects of writing.
Are you interested in serving in a volunteer capacity? Let us know if you have a special skill.
Mosaic has two levels of membership:
Full Membership: Anyone who is a general member of RWA. This includes anyone seriously pursuing a career in romance writing. A full member enjoys all membership privileges, including the rights to vote and hold office.
As a new chapter, dues will start at $35 annually, renewing for $25 after the first year.
Not already an RWA member? Join here!
Existing Member? Join us here!
Associate Member: Anyone who is an associate or affiliate member of RWA (including agents, booksellers, editors, and other industry professionals). Affiliate member dues will start at $35, renewing at $25 after the first year. Associate members will enjoy the privileges as full members, except the rights to vote. If you would like to join Mosaic as an Associate Member, please contact our Membership Chair.